
Hylo sportschoenen

In de sportkleding en -schoenen wereld is het nog wat zoeken naar een spelt in de hooiberg. Gelukkig blijken er toch een aantal groene(re) merken te zijn. Helaas kan je dit merk nog niet in Nederland passen. Komt vanuit Amerika.

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Hylo sportschoenen schrijft:

Een mooi voorbeeld over hoe ze delen in de weg die ze gaan:

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Op 9 september 2024:

After struggling to cope with the limbo, stasis and inertia of unemployment, jakpenny did what he always does - and turned to running. Only being made redundant and spending three months out of work turned him into a bit of a lunatic (or a ”radgie“ if you’re using Geordie parlance). The kind that decides to run the entire 78-mile Capital Ring Walk over three days in late July. Why? To tell the truth, his world depends on running. It‘s his counterweight. His silent therapist. When his mind is imbalanced, the simple act of putting one foot in front of the restores the balance in his mind. Concentrating on that and only that. Running is Jak’s place where nothing else matters. It‘s time and space to consciously switch off and subconsciously work through whatever has knocked him off his…

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