
JOIK - organic skincare

Een paar maanden geleden ontdekte ik JOIK. Een Ests bedrijf dat inmiddels al ruim 15 jaar bestaat en met eerbied voor de natuur persoonlijke verzorgingsproducten maakt. Er staat niet heel duidelijk op de site hoe de arbeidsomstandigheden zijn, dit moet ik nog eens navragen. Wel staat er aangegeven dat ze actief zijn in sociale en charitieve projecten.

Ik gebruik nu hun nachtcreme naar volle tevredenheid!

Van de website

JOIK - organic skincare schrijft:

Our values. JOIK main values are being efficient and honest, natural and caring for nature and creating emotions. We make sure that our products are effective and do what they promise. We add exactly as much active ingredients, so your skin is thankful. We want to offer everyone a wonderful moment in their day to enjoy a beautiful and great-smelling product, knowing that both your skin and our environment are thankful.

Our name. The name JOIK comes from the word „joik“ – the ancient singing style of nature-loving Sami people. Joik is a unique form of cultural expression, conveying emotions and describing people, animals and nature. Joik carries on traditions but is at the same time in constant development and in line with contemporary world. JOIK as a brand is similar - we treasure old knowledge of using nature for our wellbeing and health, but we evolve constantly and create products that combine best natural ingredients with modern science and create positive emotions.

Our customer. Our customer is a strong independent woman, who knows her value. She cares for herself, but is not self-centered. She believes that everybody can make a difference. She values natural, she does not want to become someone else, but emphasize her strenghts. She looks for a beauty product that is effective and believes nature is powerful. But she also likes to be pampered – she likes small treats, hedonistic moments, time for herself, emotions from nice things and good scents. A guilt-free pleasure. —> ze hebben ook producten voor mannen!

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