

De Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is een internationale textielverwerkingsstandaard voor organische vezels zoals biologische katoen, met inbegrip van ecologische en sociale criteria, ondersteund door een onafhankelijke certificering van de gehele textielketen.

GOTS stelt eisen aan zowel de productie van de vezels als de verder verwering ervan tot kledingstukken. Tenminste 70 procent (te herkennen aan de tekst Made with organic) of minstens 95 procent (te herkennen aan de tekst Organic) van het kledingstuk moet uit biologisch geproduceerde materialen bestaat.

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GOTS schrijft:

The starting point for the development of the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) was the Intercot Conference 2002 in Düsseldorf (Germany). In a workshop, attended by representatives of organic cotton producers, the textile industry, consumers, standard organisations and certifiers, the need for a harmonised organic textile standard that would be globally recognised, was discussed. At that time, numerous different standards and draft standards existed in the niche market of organic textiles. These different standards represented an obstacle to the international exchange and recognition of organic textiles. Simultaneously, they caused confusion among (the few) producers, retailers and consumers who were interested in this field.

As a result of the workshop, the International Working Group on Global Organic Textile Standard was founded with the aim to continuously work on harmonising the various different standards and approaches, as well as to develop a set of global standards.

Since 2002, a number of organisations and experts have periodically participated in this work. A compromise was needed to find consensus over points that some organisations considered to be 'non-negotiable'. Not all standard organisations that participated in the process ended up signing the 'Agreement' formally establishing the Working Group.

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